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Hiking safely in the mountains

The mountain is a beautiful but also potentially dangerous environment. In order to enjoy them safely, it is therefore necessary to respect a few basic rules and behave responsibly.


Adequate preparation is essential for a successful day in the mountains. Plan the hike (weather, itinerary, walking time, trail categories). Find out about train and lift timetables and choose an activity adapted to your physical and technical abilities. Take sufficient food and water, a pocket pharmacy and a charged cell phone. Alone on the trail ? Announce your departure and return.


In the mountains, the weather changes very quickly! Find out about the weather conditions before undertaking an activity at altitude. Wind, rain, fog, snow, hail, temperature, thunderstorms... All these elements should not be neglected. The website meteosuisse.ch and the webcams of the resorts are reliable sources of information. During your hike, be aware of weather changes! Install the MeteoSwiss application on the store of your cell phone and watch the radar regularly.


With wind, the temperature felt can easily be 5°C to 10°C lower than the official indications. It is better to take stackable clothes to adapt your equipment to the weather (fleeces, k-way etc.). Wear high shoes with notched soles, appropriate clothing and protection against the bad weather.


The golden rule: Follow the marked trails, and if in doubt, turn back in time. Never leave the marked trails! Preserve the beauty of the area by throwing your garbage in the designated areas. Plan breaks to admire the view and observe or photograph animals. Don't forget to close pasture gates on your way. Watch out for slippery areas and be especially careful when crossing snow fields or rocky screes.

Emergency Numbers

Weather forecast 162
Police 117
Firefighters  118
Ambulances 144
REGA 1414
