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Advice & safety in winter

The mountain is a beautiful but also potentially dangerous environment. In order to enjoy them safely, it is therefore necessary to respect a few basic rules and behave responsibly.


Adequate preparation is essential for a successful day in the mountains. Find out about train and lift timetables and choose an activity adapted to your physical and technical abilities. Have your equipment checked as well. If you choose to wear snowshoes or cross-country skis, tell someone close to you the planned route and don't forget to report your return! A first aid kit, survival blanket and a charged mobile phone are essential.


In the mountains, the weather changes very quickly! Find out about the weather conditions before undertaking an activity at altitude. Wind, rain, fog, snow, temperature, risk of avalanche, ... So many elements not to be neglected. The meteosuisse. ch website and the webcams of the stations are reliable sources of information. In case of doubt, the Ski Schools will be happy to answer your questions.



With wind, the temperature felt can easily be 5°C to 10°C lower than the official indications. It is better to take stackable clothes to adapt your protection to the cold. Remember to bring a pair of gloves, hat, helmet, sunglasses and sunscreen. Also provide your children with a small card clearly stating the name, surname, address and telephone number of a parent.


The golden rule: always stay on the marked trails or paths and respect the safety banners. Never off-road! Control your speed, respect other road users and preserve the beauty of the area by throwing your waste in the appropriate places.



In the event of an accident:
  1. Protect the wounded man by planting your skis in a cross over him.
  2. Notify the rescue services
  3. One person stays with the injured person and protects them from the cold

Emergency Numbers

Police 117
Firefighters  118
Ambulances 144
REGA 1414