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Audioguide bus line 201


Which stop do I get off at to see the statue of Chaplin by the lake? What is that castle I can see from the bus on 201? I'd like to go to a museum ... where should I stop? By the way, why is the Bergère stop called like that? Is that a statue of Sissi I can see through the trolleybus window?
These are just some of the questions that the audio guide of the historic VMCV public transport line 201 will answer! Free of charge and accessible at all times, the audioguide can be launched at any point on line 201 from vmcv.ch, ligne201.ch or by scanning the QR code present at all the stops on this line.
Some of the secrets of the Riviera told by the Vaudois humorist Yoann Provenzano.

Practical information

The activity is available in French, English and German, with subtitles in these three languages too.
