Film Location Riviera

Welcome to the Montreux-Vevey region. Here you will find an incredible variety of unique filming locations. From the blue waters of Lake Geneva to the snow-covered mountain landscapes of Glacier 3000!

Along the way, enjoy a wide range of architectural works. From century-old castles to the Villa "Le Lac" Le Corbusier near Vevey. The region has all the local expertise to help film crews: set designers, assistant operators, sound engineers... we have what you need! If you need help finding a local crew, just give us a call!

The Montreux-Vevey area is a huge open-air studio where most locations are accessible within minutes, and no location is more than an hour from your hotel! Enjoy the comfort of shooting your film in one of the most picturesque areas of Switzerland, while you work quickly and efficiently, saving you time and money.


Although the region has many assets to attract directors and producers, filming is not always a smooth ride. To make the journey more comfortable, Film Location Riviera offers to simplify the life of the teams by providing technical assistance: set designers, assistants, actors, etc.

Coordinated by Montreux-Vevey Tourism since 2018, this service is accompanied by a promotional component aimed at encouraging filming within the Montreux Riviera destination.

Film Location Riviera can provide:
  • administrative support to facilitate the smooth running of a location scouting or filming
  • negotiated prices with hotels or other tourist service providers
  • advice on the particularities of the region, the settings and the means of transport

They chose Montreux Riviera


Grégoire Chappuis - Coordinating member
Montreux-Vevey Tourisme, Head of Marketing & Communication

Alexandra Melchior - President
City of Vevey, City Councillor

Jean-Baptiste Piemontesi - Member
City of Montreux, City Councillor

Bernard Schmid - Member
Promove, Director

Xavier Grin - Member
PS Productions, Director

Heinz Dill - Member
Because Production Services, Director



Film Location Riviera

Montreux-Vevey Tourisme
Rue du Théâtre 5
1820 Montreux

+41 21 962 84 16